The RollFlex project is important for us because the products that emerge from it open up for completely new perspectives for the generation and utilisation of energy, and for which we believe there will be a strong demand and market in the future.
– Hartmut Schmidt-Niepenberg, Vice project manager (Phi-Stone AG)
Phi-Stone AG (former FUMT R&D Functional Materials GmbH) is engaged in four focus topics within functional materials:
- Product development
- Scientific consulting and services (analytics)
- Technology transfer between universities and industry
- Research and development products (support programmes etc)
Phi-Stone AG owns the own brand CSP and fabricates functional micro particles by a protected method.
Co-workers in the project
Hartmut Schmidt-Niepenberg
Dipl. Biochemiker
Co-founder and CEO at Phi-Stone AG
Vice project management, PR, and administration
Dr. Ala Cojocaru
Doctor of Physics
Project management, scientific co-worker
Fabrication of OLED/carrier foil
Ingo Paulowicz
M.Sc. Engineering & Materials Science,
PhD at Kiel University
Board member, CTO, co-founder of Phi-Stone AG
Scientific co-worker, fabrication of micro particles and analytics of functional filler materials for carrier foil
Dr. Iris Hölken
Scientific co-worker, fabrication of functional micro particles for carrier foil and integration in carrier foil
Experiments with roll-to-roll print for fabrication of OLED/carrier foil
Phi-Stone AG
Kaiserstraße 2
24143 Kiel
Hartmut Schmidt-Niepenberg
Phone: +49 431 705 4186
Mobile: +49 171 329 6087