We are participating in the RollFlex project because it provides a unique possibility to bundle the competences within organic optoelectronics in the Danish-German border region. Together we will develop new energy efficient technologies, promote these towards commercialisation with our company partners, and offer an excellent education to students.
– Prof. Martina Gerken, project manager (CAU)
Kiel University is a so-called Volluniversität, which means that it includes the four historical faculties of theology, philosophy, medicine, and law next to faculties for mathematics and natural sciences, agricultural and nutritional sciences, economics and social sciences, and engineering. It has around 25.000 students and approximately 2.000 scientists. Kiel Nano Science is one of the four scientific core areas of CAU. Through the Kieler Nanolabor, CAU hosts a clean room that provides excellent conditions for nano and micro structuring. Since ten years, Prof. Martina Gerken’s research group is working within the field of nanostructured organic optoelectronic systems.
Co-workers in the project
Prof. Martina Gerken
Project management, education and continuing education activities
Jülf Buschmann
M.Sc. Janek Buhl
Fabrication and characterisation of nanostructured organic LEDs.
Technische Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Institut für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Kaiserstraße 2
24143 Kiel
Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken
Phone: +49 431 880 6250
Fax: +49 431 880 6253