On April 27, 2017, the Technical Faculty of Kiel University organized a Girls’ Day. The Institutes for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Computer Science and Materials Science had invited and 50 students took the opportunity to take an active look. As part of the event, 5th and 6th grade students at the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology were able to create a brightly coloured LED globe. In a short lecture on How to make wallpapers light up and in the subsequent independent soldering and producing the light balls, the girls could be inspired for the technology.
RollFlex kick-off – official start of roll-to-roll innovation project centre
Mid December the official kick-off for the Interreg Deutschland-Danmark project RollFlex took place at SDU’s Mads Clausen Institute in Sønderborg. Round 40 guests, among them several representatives from local companies in the region, were welcomed by Horst-Günter Rubahn who also introduced Sønderborg’s mayor Erik Lauritzen and Troels Petersen from Danfoss, the two greeting note speakers for the event.
The key note was held by Dr Stefan Mogck, leader of the roll-to-roll organic device technology section at Fraunhofer FEP, who presented their work with production of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). As an example, he had brought with him a Christmas candle arch with an image made of OLEDs. Dr Mogck emphasised the importance of establishing this new, unique innovation project centre within roll-to-roll technology in the Danish-German border region.
Project leader Morten Madsen subsequently presented the RollFlex project, followed by a tour through the RollFlex laboratory. Here, the guests could get insights in the R2R facility and in MCI’s new Innovation lab that was presented by the future head of section for Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Silke Tegtmeier. The event provided good opportunities for networking, and questions and considerations about the facilities, the centre and collaboration possibilities were further discussed during the joint lunch.
The event ended with pitch talks by and workshops with the project partners who provided a detailed overview of their work and facilities that together constitute the new RollFlex innovation project centre, and possible collaboration projects were considered.
Interreg Networking Day

24 November: Interreg Deutschland-Danmark invites the first 22 granted projects to an Interreg Networking Day.
The event provides the opportunity for each project to present itself in a short 60-second talk and to deal with the topics of public relations, reporting and the implementation of results.
We from RollFlex will be present, and we look forward to a lively exchange with other project stakeholders!
Students from Kiel build flexible organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs)

Within the framework of our RollFlex project, master students from Kiel investigated flexible light emitting diodes during their semester internship 2016/2017. After thorough literature studies, they developed own concepts to create organic light emitting diodes that they subsequently produced in Kiel’s Nano laboratory and tested in the optics lab. Their work was done in competing teams and the team with the best and most efficient OLED was appointed winner. The images show the students engaged in conducting optical and electronic characterisation of their self-produced OLEDs. The results from the internship work contribute to further the research and development in the project as the capacity and life time of the diodes for different substrate materials were investigated.
From artificial muscles to flexible solar cells: SDU develops Danfoss technology further

The new RollFlex centre was presented when Jørgen Mads Clausen visited the Mads Clausen Institute in August 2016. Parts of the centre originate from a previous Danfoss production facility.
A while ago, Danfoss donated a so-called roll-to-roll (R2R) print facility to the Mads Clausen Institute, SDU, and now the facility has become part of a larger laboratory at MCI – the RollFlex lab. Om August 25, the institute presented the new lab to Jørgen Mads Clausen, long-time CEO and now president of the board at Danfoss.
– It means a great deal for the Mads Clausen Institute that we now have the RollFlex lab in-house. Now we can test, e.g., solutions in DEAP material (Dielectric ElectroActive Polymer) or flexible solar cells on a larger scale and thus bring research-based technology closer to businesses and industry, said Head of Institute Horst-Günter Rubahn in his welcome to Jørgen Mads Clausen.
Part of innovation project centre
The facility is part of the new Interreg Deutschland-Danmark project RollFlex, which, among other things, will be used for upscaling the production of organic solar cells and LEDs. Associate Professor Morten Madsen elaborated on this for the audience.
– Along with the facilities of our project partners from Kiel University, the companies FUMT R&D Functional Materials in Kiel and Stensborg A/S in Roskilde, the facility at MCI forms an innovation project centre. It will contribute to the development of the great market potential for sustainable energy solutions, which is present in the Danish-German border region, said Morten Madsen.
There are also plans to integrate the R2R-facility in different educational activities to ensure that the students also gain from the unique opportunities of the centre.
Solar energy will surpass wind energy
Jørgen Mads Clausen thanked for the invitation and said that he was happy to see that the MCI has so many ideas for the use of the centre, which has a background in Danfoss PolyPower. He added that he was enthusiastic about the new activities on flexible solar cells and predicted that the use of solar energy in the future will surpass the use of wind energy.